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Dye bleaching hair from 4 to 10 level professionally

How to dye bleaching hair from 4 to 10 level is the most challenging concern of individuals. Hair color on the basis of bleaching from 5 to 10 without red, orange and yellow tonnage is the most important concern and question of the advocators of hair dye. Each bleaching base has a background color. It starts with the red tonnage in base 5 and goes up to the very, very light yellow tonnage in base 10. If for any reason you do not have the ability to re-bleach, you can use special formulas for each bleaching base. In this way, the undesirable tonnage is eliminated.
In the following, we will deal with the types of bleaching bases separately.
1- Base 1- Dark brown
2- Base 2- Brown
3- Base 3- Dark red-brown
4- Base 4- Red-brown
5- Base 5- Red
6- Base 6- Red-orange
7- Base 7- Orange – Carrot tonnage of hair appears in this base.
8- Base 8- Yellow or golden orange
9- Base 9 – Yellow – the base has pure yellow tonnage. This base easily reaches base 10 with anti-jaundice shampoo.
10 – Base 10 – Very light yellow – the base has a platinum silver tonnage. This base is great for silver, smoky, blue, gray, wheat and icy white.
Base 1 to 4
These hair bases are not very recognizable in ordinary light and with the naked eye. The brown-red tonnage of the hair is dark and there is not much difference between grades 1 and 4.
Hair color on the basis of 5
If you have bleached your hair, the hair has reached the 5th base. The hair is rusty iron red.
Dye bleaching hair level 5
If for any reason you do not want to bleach again, to get hair out of this tonnage your solution is dark olive. However, remember that to remove the undesirable color of each base, you must use the contrasting color of the same base.
Contrasting red is green. So you should use olive color to remove reddish color the bleaching base 5. But you have to use base 5 olives.
Dye bleaching hair level 5 formula :
Anti-red color on the basis of bleaching 5
Olive base 5 – three quarters of a tube
Smoke base 6 – a quarter tube
Green concentrate (anti red concentrate) – 4 cm
9% oxidant – double
This color eventually turns dark cinnamon brown. However, it saves you from redness bleaching base of 5. As a result, the best anti-red dye is an olive combination with a little smoke color.
Hair color on the 6 level of bleaching
The 6 bleaching base is basically red-orange tonnage. Copper carrot color is the main part of hair. You may not have used quality products for bleaching, as a result, the hair may burn. So you are not able to bleach again. Therefore, the only way to get rid of orange tonnage is to dye on a 6-bleaching base. But, if your hair is healthy, at the same time, you want special blend colors (blonde or smoky tones of silver and platinum) you still have to bleach your hair.
Dye leaching hair level 6
According to the basic shape, bleaching level of 6 is a mixture of red and orange. So contrasting colors are needed to remove unwanted orange-red. The combination of 6 gray and 6 olive and blue (anti-orange) and green (anti-red) concentrate are the best option.
Dye bleaching hair level 6 (formula 1) :
Basic olive color 6 – half tube
Gray base 6 – half tube
Green concentrate (anti-red) – 2 cm
Blue variation (anti-orange) – 4 cm
9% oxidant – double
This dye creates a dark smoky brown color on the level of 6 bleaching. Red and orange tonnages are also eliminated with this formula.
Dye bleaching hair level 6 with copper formula
Since the level of 6 bleaching has red carrot tonnage. Therefore, the colors of copper (medium copper red and dark copper) on this background are also quite suitable. However, it is better to apply the relevant colors with 6% oxidant to make the whole hair background even.
Dye bleaching hair level 6 with copper red formula :
Hair base: 6 bleaching level
Pure red – a quarter tube
Copper level 6 – Three quarters of a tube
Purple concentrate – 4 cm
Blue concentrate – 4 cm
6% oxidant
Dye bleaching hair with Mahogany red formula on bleaching level 6
Hair base: bleaching level 6
Mahogany level 6 – three quarters of a tube
Ruby red – a quarter tube
Purple concentrate – 4 cm
Blue concentrate – 4 cm
6% oxidant
Dye Bleaching hair level of 7
This bleaching level is one of the most common bleaching level. Usually, the black hair of Eastern people in levels 6 and 7 stops, therefore it needs to re-bleaching for further lightening of hair. The 7 bleaching level is actually pure orange. Copper honey tonnage is the major color of this level. If for any reason you do not want to lighten your hair again, you can use medium blonde colors on this base.
Suitable hair color for 7 bleaching level
You can easily get medium Nescafe colors – medium brown blonde – medium caramel, honey and copper on a bleaching level of 7th grade. However, apart from fancy colors, it is necessary to add smoky base 7 or gray base 7 in the color combination to remove the orange tone.
Dye Bleaching hair level 7
Suitable hair color for 7 bleaching level (anti-orange color)
Bleaching level: 7
Smoke base 7 – three quarters of a tube
Gray base 7 – a quarter tube
Blue variation – 4 cm
Purple – 2 cm
6% oxidant – twice of the color cream material
Smoky gray dye on 7 bleaching level hair removes orange tonnage and finally produces a medium blonde color.
Medium blonde chocolate color on a 7 bleaching level
Hair level: base 7
Chocolate level 7 – half a tube
Smoky level 7 – half a tube
Purple and blue concentrates – two cents each
6% oxidant – twice the hair color cream
Copper hazelnut color on 7 bleaching level
Hair level: 7 level
Hazelnut color level 7 – half a tube
Basic copper color level 6 – half tube
Blue concentrate – 2 cm
Purple concentrate- 1 cm
6% oxidant – twice the color cream
Nescafe color on a 7 bleaching level
Hair level: 7 bleaching level
Nescafe level 7 – Half tube
Smoky level 7 – a quarter tube
Olive level 7 – a quarter tube
Purple concentrate – 2 cm
Blue variation – 2 cm
6% oxidant – twice the color hair
Smoky honey hair color on 7 bleaching level
Hair base: 7 bleaching level
Honey base 7 – half a tube
Smoke base 7 – half a tube
Blue concentrate – 2 cm
Silver concentrate – 2 cm
6% oxidant – twice the color hair
Bleaching level 8
The level of bleaching of 8 is basically golden. The composition of yellow-orange is so-called golden. A wide range of colors can be applied on the bleaching base 8. You can bring different colors of Nescafe blonde, honey, gold, beige, caramel, fancy green and olive on this base.
The important thing is that the anti-jaundice shampoo eliminates yellowness of 8th grade hair to some extent. However, because the orange tone is also in the 8th grade. Grade 8 with anti-jaundice shampoo, of course, does not reach level 10. Though, to remove the yellow-orange tone, it is necessary to add smoky with purple and silver concentrates in the color combination.
Light beige formula on 8 bleaching level
Bleaching level: 8
Smoky level 8 – half a tube
Beige level 8 – a quarter tube
Natural base 8 – a quarter tube
Purple variation – 2 cm
Silver variation – 4 cm
6% oxidant – twice the hair color
Honey copper color formula:
Bleaching level: 8
Honey level 8 – half a tube
Copper level 6 – A quarter tube
Copper level 7 – A quarter tube
Colored copper powder (colored bleaching powder) – 4 cm
6% oxidant – twice the color material
Caramel color formula on bleaching level 8
Bleaching level: 8
Caramel or chocolate level 8 – half a tube
Natural level 9 – a quarter tube
Smoky level 8 – a quarter tube
Violet level 6 – 2 cm
Red level 6 – 1 cm
Silver concentrate – 4 cm
6% oxidant – twice the color cream
Adding red – mahogany and violet in very small quantities prevents unwanted green tonnage in blonde colors, especially chocolate-beige and Nescafe in bases 8 and 9.
Coral color on the bleaching level of 8
Hair level: 8
Hazelnut level 7 – a quarter tube
Copper level 7 – one eighth tube
Light pink – half a tube
Gold level 8 – one eighth tube
Red level 6 – 1.5 cm
6% oxidant – double of hair color cream
Fancy green hair color on bleaching level 8
Hair level: 8
Blue powder – one measure
Green colored powder – two measures
Olive base 7 – a quarter tube
Green concentrate – 2 cm
9% oxidant – twice the amount of color cream and powder
Smoky honey color formula on bleaching level 8
Hair level: 8
Honey level 8 – half a tube
Smoke base 8 – a quarter tube
Natural base 9 – a quarter tube
Silver variation – two fingertips
Oxidant 6%
Smoky golden hair color
Hair level: 8
Golden base 8 – half a tube
Smoke base 8 – half a tube
Purple and silver concentrates – 2 cm each
6% oxidant – double
Bleaching hair level 9
Bleaching level 9 has pure yellow tonnage, so your only problem at this point is yellow. There is no orange or gold tone at all in this level. Therefore, you can get all kinds of very light blonde colors of beige, gold, Nescafe, hemp and caramel in this base. However, be sure to use purple and silver concentrates in the color combination to minimize yellowness of hair.
Platinum hair color on bleaching level 9
Hair level: 9
Natural color level 9 – a quarter tube
Platinum Highlights – Half Tube
Silver highlight – a quarter tube
Purple concentrate – 1 cm
6% oxidant – double of hair color cream
Fancy light green color formula on bleaching level 9
Hair level: 9
Fancy green powder – one measure
000 lightening booster- a quarter tube
Silver highlight – a quarter tube
Silver concentrate – 2 cm
9% oxidant – three times of hair color material
You should wash your hair as soon as it gets colored. So as not to darken the color.
Olive and flaxen (high light green with ash) colors are easily combined with a variety of gray-silver and smoky tones on the hair. Bright olive colors and flaxen highlights on a 9 bleaching level are best combined with smoky to make the theme more attractive and luxurious.
Dye Bleaching hair level 10
The 10 bleaching level is the most ideal base for dyeing. This level has the least possible yellowing. The tone of this platinum base is very, very light. The easiest way to get this level is to first bring the hair to the 9 bleaching level, then eliminate extra yellowness with anti- jaundice shampoo.
Hair color on the 10 bleaching level
As it is known, smoky, silver, gray, cream, jasmine pink, smoky purple and blue colors are among the most popular and demanded colors. However, for example, smoky colors always produce unwanted green tones. Level 10 does not have any yellowish tonnage, so these problems disappear. As a result, pure blue, pure purple and light pink only appear on a 10 bleaching level.
Dye bleaching hair level 10
Smoky silver hair color formula:
Level: 10
Silver highlight – half tube
Smoky level 10 – half a tube
Silver concentrate – two cm
Oxidant 6%
Platinum bone hair color formula
Level: 10
Bone highlight color- half a tube
Ten natural color- half a tube
Silver concentrate – 2 cm
Oxidant 6%
Dye bleaching hair level 10
Smoky silver hair color with very light purple via Sombre technique
Background hair color formula:
Level: bleaching level 9 – then wash with anti-jaundice shampoo
Silver highlight – half tube
Smoky color level 8 – half a tube
Smoky concentrate – 2 cm
Oxidant 6%
Light purple color formula via sombre technique:
Jasmine highlight – half tube
000 lightening booster – a quarter tube
Smoky level 9 – a quarter tube
Purple colored powder – a small measure
Oxidant 9% – three times of hair color material
Apply the color to the hair via sombre technique.
Hair bleaching Final Tips
The problem for most individuals is the 6th level orange root and 8th level golden of the rest of hair. In this case, there are two ways.
The first way
The proper way is re-bleaching of roots. Re-bleaching removes the roots from the orange tone and then makes the hair homochromatic. Also, for root bleaching, preferably use 6% oxidant.
The second way
You need to choose the right color to the rest of hair (except root) which makes about 70-80% of the hair uniform. For example, you should apply the combination of 7 smoky + 7 beige + 7 natural with one third of each plus 2 cm of purple and silver concentrates with 6% oxidant. In addition, it is better to dye hair first in the root (which has a darker tone). After 15 to 20 minutes, dye the rest of the hair, until the hair is finally homochromatic.